Who Should be Honored with the OMEGA Award?
Have you noticed an 8th grade student who shows compassion to peers in challenging situations or has courageously overcome struggles to help others? The neighbor kiddo who pitches in to help or the young volunteer who graciously shares time and talents to help an organization? How about the one taking the initiative to make positive changes or the role model who is leading by example?
The McPherson Chamber of Commerce established the OMEGA Award to recognize McPherson County 8th graders for making a difference by their attitude and actions, their leadership qualities and service to their community. This special OMEGA Award recognition will take place Wednesday, May 10th during May Fete activities.
Please take the opportunity to nominate an eighth grader in McPherson County for this prestigious award. Complete the OMEGA nomination form and attach a separate piece of paper telling us why he/she is deserving of the OMEGA Award with specific examples of the nominee’s: courage, compassion and service. Download the OMEGA Nomination Form or contact the McPherson Chamber of Commerce at 620-241-3303 or chamber@mcphersonks.org to have one sent to you. Nomination deadline is April 6th.