
Volunteer Committees- Get Involved

Be part of a group that has a specific task. Get a first hand look at how things get done – it is members like yourself joined with other business people that work side by side to achieve the goals, initiatives, and issues relating to business and community.  There is a variety of committees that meet at various times and days – there is sure to be one that would be of interest to you and/or your employees. Even if you don’t have time to be involved, the Chamber is still helping your business grow.

Civic Awareness Committee 
Meets as needed. This committee provides informational opportunities for the community. Events include the Legislative Update and Candidate Forums for city, county, and school board elections.

Community Development Committee
Meets as needed. The committee looks for projects that enhance the quality of life,  and amenities that make our community attractive for residents, workforce, and business growth.

Women’s Trip Committee
Meets as needed. Provides personal growth for women of the Chamber and builds business relationships through networking and traveling to a major city to learn about other communities and women in business.

Chamber Classic Golf Tournament Committee
Meets as needed beginning in January to plan the Chamber’s fundraising event scheduled for the first Friday in June at Turkey Creek Golf Course.

Appointed Committees

Ambassador/Membership Development & Retention Committee
Meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. Serves as the public relations arm of the Chamber at ribbon cuttings, ground-breakings, and grand opening celebrations. They welcome new businesses to the community and encourage Chamber membership.

Leadership Advisory Committee
Meets on the first Thursday at 12:00—Chamber. This committee oversees the planning and execution of the Leadership McPherson Class, and quarterly Leadership Alumni Lunch and Learns. This committee is an appointed position and must be a graduate of the Leadership McPherson Class.

McPherson County Entrepreneurship Committee
Meets as needed. This committee reviews the loan requests from the E-Loan and GrowKS Loans, helps with the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge, and determines programming opportunities that promote entrepreneurship.