Author: staff

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce’s Civic Awareness Committee invites you to the annual Legislative Update on February 8th at 9:00 a.m. at Kansas Municipal Utilities (KMU), 2090 E. Ave. A., McPherson. This event is a key part of our commitment to civic engagement and informed...

Debbie Hawkinson, Executive Director of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, recently completed her second year at the Institute for Organization Management, a prestigious four-year professional development program organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Held at Winter IOM in Tucson, this nonprofit leadership training program...

Thank you all for shopping local this holiday season and year around! Everyone had the opportunity to collect Candy Cane Cash entries by shopping at the 24 participating stores from Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2024. Congratulations to Maxine McGarrah, who has $1,000 in Candy Cane Cash to...

U.S. Cellular hosted the last Chamber Connection of 2024 December 19th at their store at 1358 N. Main Street. Guests mingled among the displayed phones, tablets, and smart watches while visiting over coffee and donuts. Regional manager Conor Botts shared that the phone carrier has some...

A crowd gathered on December 12th to celebrate Katelyn Cortez’s new ownership of Twice Told Tales, the beloved new and used bookstore located at 104 S. Main Street in downtown McPherson. The event included a Chamber Connection and Ribbon Cutting ceremony, marking a significant milestone...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce hosted the annual Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (YEC) on December 9th. McPherson High School students from Chris Strathman’s entrepreneur class presented their business ideas during a 4-minute pitch to judges and showcased their concepts to the public through trade show displays....

The mission of Leadership McPherson is "To develop leadership capacity that inspires visionary, positive action, to motivate and strengthen the community." Leadership McPherson participants learn to recognize their talents, skills, and strengths, and discover new traits to appreciate in others. The in-depth, educational program focuses on...

Brookdale McPherson, 1460 N. Main, opened its doors in welcome as Enhabit Home Health & Hospice hosted the November 21st Chamber Connection there. Enhabit, which has offices in Wichita and Hutchinson, is quickly growing in McPherson and sees a number of patients at Brookdale. Enhabit expands...