Author: staff

ChamberChecks are a unique and appropriate gift for anyone on your gift list. The McPherson Chamber of Commerce offers ChamberChecks year-round to businesses and individuals who wish to give the perfect gift to employees, relatives, friends, teachers, co-workers, bus drivers, even Cousin Eddie! Stop by the...

Krehbiel's, located at 1636 Mohawk Rd., is a second-generation family-owned USDA processing plant, with a retail store to boot! For many in the area, they are a destination stop to get great cuts of meat, as well as the seasonings and other specialties. They offer...

We are excited to host the 4th annual Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (YEC) and the opportunity it affords to inspire local students and encourage community engagement. As a NetWork Kansas Entrepreneurship Community, the McPherson Chamber of Commerce organizes the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (YEC) to help develop...

New to the corner of Main Street and Marlin is a women’s boutique that is sure to be a popular shopping destination for many! La Belle, located at 123 N. Main, just opened its doors in late October. The store offers a delightful taste of...

If you are a DIY sort of person, then the ReUse It Center is the place you need to go. They have EVERYTHING for the Do It Yourselfer!!! The ReUse It Center, located at 120 S. Hwy. 81 Bypass, started in 2011 on West Kansas...

Shop local to check off your Christmas list and get registered to win! Shop at participating stores from November 1st through December 31st, 2021, and collect Candy Cane Cash registration slips.  For every $10 (before taxes) spent in participating stores, you will earn a stamp/punch...

(from the Executive Director- Debbie Hawkinson) The Leadership McPherson Class of 2021 graduated on November 3rd with a celebration luncheon at the McPherson Opera House. All eleven class members, their families and co-workers, Leadership McPherson alumni and the Leadership Advisory Committee all attended to show their...

It has been quite interesting to sort through 100 years of board minutes, newspaper clippings and publications and piece together stories or how the Chamber has helped shape many aspects of our community. It is also exciting to know that many of the things put...