Author: staff

“We enjoy the quality of community we have because of the vision and creativity of many local business leaders past and present,” was a comment recorded in 2001 from Joe Pavlovsky the 2000/2001 Chamber President. To recognize long appreciated business and industry leaders who have...

Housing development, affordability, and availability have been a focus of our community for as long as anyone can remember, and it continues to be a critical part of community growth. In the late 1960s, with the industrial growth of McPherson, the topic of additional housing...

I remember the Annual Chamber Meeting I helped with in 2007 when first starting at the Chamber. It was a formal, black-tie evening event, complete with a pianist and well-known keynote speaker. That was the “norm” for many, many years. It has been quite interesting...

Historical moments have no doubt changed many lives. Well known leaders and famous heroes have made a difference. But sometimes the most influential people in our lives are personal heroes, the people who care for us and have inspired us by the way they live...

Bethany Home Association located in Lindsborg Kansas was founded in 1911. In 2019 they began to offer Assisted Living services along with their Independent Living and Long-Term Care. With the added service they rebranded as Bethany Village. In 2020 they expanded their assisted living facility....

In the April 2001 edition of The Chamber Outlook, it included an article titled “Housing Committee Organizes City Cleanup & Brings Landlords Together.” It talked about the cooperative effort of so many agencies and citizens to rid properties of unwanted trash and recyclable items, to...

Twenty-Five years ago, when the McPherson Chamber celebrated its 75th anniversary, a 5/1996 newspaper article by Charla Gatz said, “The McPherson Chamber of Commerce has a long tradition of service in improving the city.” Further on it states, “The Chamber actually can trace its lineage...

This cool flyer was found among the Chamber history relics at the McPherson Public Library. It was so unique of the many articles I sifted through, that I kept coming back to it. After digging and digging, I have yet to find out when it...