Author: staff

“Despite unfavorable weather conditions, the community picnic and dandelion digging contest of the City Federations’ anti-dandelion program, staged yesterday, was a decided success. The parade was a great feature and put plenty of pep and ginger into the contestants. Rivalry was keen and the finish...

We reached our goal! Thanks to the generous donations from individuals and businesses, and an anonymous donor who provided $5,000 in matching dollars, we exceeded our current goal. Because of these contributions, the AFA Scholarship Endowment Fund at the McPherson County Community Foundation has exceeded...

In searching for the original office location, which was not noted in the 1921 charter, the only clue we found were in the early Chamber Board minutes. The minutes indicate that the board of directors met in the “Directors Room” in the late 1920’s and...

All In One Safety began in 2015. Courtney Warden, owner and president, said the business got started all because her husband, who was a safety professional at the time, saw the need. Since then, they have expanded their services and in 2019 finished the construction...

Since opening their first retail location in December of 2018, owner Brandon Barnhart knew it was time to move to a new location that could house their always expanding product lines. From pool chemicals, pool accessories, quality grills, outdoor kitchens, patio furniture, and hot tubs....

Kendra Oakes Peoples Bank & Trust VP Trust Department Manager Chamber Board Term: 2019-2022 McPherson Chamber Board Presiden "I grew up in Salina Kansas, then made my way to Colorado where I started my banking career as a loan officer in 2005 and gained experience in different banking positions in...

Jeffery Reitz JAR Performance Automotive - Owner Chamber Board Term: 2019-2022 "I have spent my life working on cars and I find joy in resolving problems for people. Our business enables us to assist and support all of McPherson’s automotive repair needs." The value of investing in the McPherson...