Author: staff

It’s official! Check out all the great places you can go for reading materials at . English educators at McPherson High School, Erica Shook and Rebecca Plughoeft, are “huge supporters of the McPherson Public Library” and see the Little Free Library as a supplement. They...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee will host the 2019 Farm Forum on Thursday, February 28th at the First United Methodist Church, 1200 E. Kansas Avenue beginning at 6:30 a.m. The key note speaker is Dr. Daniel Thomson, Jones Professor of Production Medicine and...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Leadership Committee is pleased to announce the following individuals to the 2019 Leadership McPherson Class:  Lindsey Godfrey – McPherson College; Mike Golden – McPherson Police Department; Derick Goodson – Chris Goodson Appraisal Service; Mervyn John – Viega; Sue Johnson –...

Whether you are wanting to make a fresh start in 2019 with a healthier lifestyle, or you have already committed to eating healthy and exercising regularly, CT Fit 24 can help you with your goals. Toni Cabezas, CT Fit 24 manager, fitness trainer and certified...

McPherson Hospital’s addition of the Medical Office Building has been a long journey of love and dedication reflected by a supportive community. This newly constructed medical building was completely a philanthropic effort. Local individuals, local businesses, the Mingenback Foundation, and the Mabee Foundation financed the...