Author: staff

Leadership McPherson is a professional program of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce to develop effective leaders, open minds to perspectives that surround issues facing our community and enable participants to become more visionary leaders.  Leadership McPherson class members will work with community leaders and trainers...

Shop the following participating businesses between November 1st- December 31st and get your entry form stamped for every $10 you spend.  Once you have 5 stamps, fill out your contact information and drop it into any of of the Candy Cane Cash boxes to be...

“You tell me you’re not better when we’re done.” A powerful statement by CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman and essentially the goal of CrossFit, to become "better"; stronger, leaner and healthier. Technically, CrossFit means a constantly varied high intensity workout that combines weightlifting, gymnastics (range of...

You probably don’t need another reason to fill up at 24/7 Travel Stores in McPherson, but we learned of plenty during the Chamber Connections.  The McPherson 24/7 Travel Store typically has the lowest fuel prices around (current fuel prices listed online), but you can save...

I bet you didn’t know that The Cedars has lease and rent options available. Me neither. During the Chamber Connections hosted by The Cedars, Lamonte Rothrock explained several different housing options and fee structures within their campus. Rothrock, vice president of sales and marketing for...

What is a 6-letter word for treasures? Tesori! Marty Lee, owner of Tesori Boutique explained to the large Chamber Connections crowd that Tesori is the Italian word for treasures, and if you have visited the new Tesori Boutique, you will agree. Tesori Boutique at 300...

Construction has begun at the McPherson Community Building and it is going to be incredible! After months of discussion and planning, the City of McPherson contracted with GLMV architect firm and Hutton Construction to renovate the Community Building. Mike Seiwert, from GLMV Architecture and Lead...