Author: staff

Call 620-798-7900, Come in to 200 S. Champlin or Connect with Nex-Tech Wireless at or on social media. Learn more about what this locally owned company can do for you. McPherson manager Rudy Rodriguez said Nex-Tech Wireless is based out of Hays, Kansas with...

For quite a few years, the Chamber and Main Street have been offering our members quarterly television advertising “Experience McPherson ……Just a short drive from anywhere” with KAKE Channel 10. The exposure reaches Salina, Lindsborg, Great Bend/Hays as well as on Cox cable channels. It...

The discussion of a McPherson Makers Space concept was held recently at the McPherson Chamber of Commerce. The meeting drew approximately 28 people with various backgrounds of interest; individuals, educators, artists, engineers, hobby “makers”, industry and economic development personnel from McPherson as well as the...

Mark your calendar for October 10-14th when the 2018 Men’s Chamber Trip heads to St. Louis, Missouri. As always, it will be a terrific trip with plenty of group tours and activities as well free time to explore on your own. The bonus part of...

Everyone wants the best care for their loved one, but what if you can’t always be there to provide that care? Contact the compassionate care givers at Touching Hearts at Home, 620-639-2790. They are the heart of home care, providing everything from grocery shopping and...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce is hosting an informational and idea exchange meeting regarding interest in establishing a Creation Station, Maker Space, or Fab Lab are a few of the names they go by. These spaces are dedicated to where community members can go to...

“Creating Possibility is what we do” caught my attention on a publication from Sunflower Bank.  It is incredible how much banking has changed from the teller window of the past, intended for deposits and withdrawals only, to today’s banking options and on-line banking capabilities.  Sunflower...