Author: staff

“Providing opportunities for appreciation, education and participation in the arts” is what the McPherson Arts Alliance is all about. While artists showcase their creativity at the Art Gallery, 223 S. Main, some of them also share their talent through art classes. Art classes are offered...

Deeply rooted in the downtown area is a financial institution that has not only been a part of McPherson for over a century, but is well ingrained in its history. Since Home State Bank opened its doors in 1903, it has been a very active part...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a customer service workshop “A Passion for Service” presented by Bill Drury on Tuesday, January 23, 2018. Drury, a renowned customer service expert was the National Training Consultant for the Zig Ziglar Corporation. He speaks, trains and...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with Agriculture Future of America (AFA) to support an agricultural scholarship program. AFA is a 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to helping support higher education and leader development of future agriculture producers and rural business leaders. The Agriculture Committee of the...

No long lines, no worries over the wrong size or color, no wonder hundreds of people give ChamberChecks! ChamberChecks can be purchased for any amount and redeemed at any of the participating Chamber member businesses. The McPherson Chamber of Commerce offers ChamberChecks year-round to businesses and...

Baby it’s cold outside…but don’t fret, The Stone Chimney is “warming hearts and homes” with spectacular home décor and friendly service. Celebrating year #13, The Stone Chimney at 1500 E. First Street is a must for all your home décor and gift giving too. Owner...

Bring the little ones to visit with Santa and enjoy refreshments too.  Free print coupon from Walgreens so don't forget your camera.  Santa will be at the following locations in December as part of the McPherson Chamber and McPherson Main Street "McPherson...

McPherson College rolled out the red carpet for the Chamber Connections as they showcased McPherson College Athletics and the Sports Center. We were greeted with a 100- watt smile and handshake from Lionel (student from the Democratic Republic of Congo), enjoyed special “bulldog cookies,” visited...

A successful 2016-2017 Chamber year lead by Adrian Morales of Hess Oil was celebrated at a lunch meeting on November 15.  Adrian thanked retiring board members and presented them with framed certificates; Tracy Sterling – Culligan Water and Zac Hoppes of Farmers State Bank.  Retiring...