Author: staff

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Leadership Board of Trustees announced the 2016 class for Leadership McPherson, a skills based leadership program that provides hands on training. Members of the 2016 Leadership McPherson Class are: Kevin McKean- City of McPherson Police Department Aaron Mayfield- Sunflower Bank Brad Bengtson- Home...

Join Steve Coen, President and CEO of the Kansas Health Foundation to hear about lessons learned, the changing health landscape and how the foundation has evolved its program areas to improve and protect the well-being of Kansans throughout the state. Kansas then and now: lessons...

“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” – John Wooden. Enhance your leadership skills and knowledge of McPherson by becoming a part of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce Leadership McPherson. Enrollment for the leadership class of 2016 is now being accepted through...

2015 Holiday Promotion “McPherson….where Santa Shops!” Putting together an extensive promotion such as this takes many hours of planning and marketing and we hope that our members take advantage of our efforts and our ability to combine the various advertising markets with our non-profit status to make...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce and the McPherson Industrial Development Co. invite you to participate in tours during Manufacturing Month. With over 50 manufacturers in McPherson County, the McPherson City and County Commissioners have signed proclamations designating October as Manufacturing Month. This annual event encourages...

The McPherson E-Community Partnership Fund, which is administered by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce has awarded 11 McPherson and Lindsborg business owners to attend the nationally recognized marketing guru, Jon Schallert’s Destination BootCamp on October 27-29 in Longmont, Colorado. BootCamp is an intensive 2 ½...