Leadership McPherson Mission: To develop leadership capacity that inspires visionary, positive action, to motivate and strengthen our community.
“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” – John Wooden.
Leadership McPherson participants learn to recognize their talents, skills, and strengths, and discover new traits to appreciate in others. The in-depth, educational program focuses on developing leadership competencies and giving participants the skills to move organizations and businesses forward. In 2000, the curriculum incorporated a service project to benefit the youth of McPherson County. Through the years, projects have touched many lives and continue to make a difference in our community.
Goals of Leadership McPherson- The McPherson Chamber of Commerce provides the community based Leadership McPherson program because we recognize that leadership is vital to moving a community forward.
What To Expect
We want learners! Your success and that of those learning with you requires complete commitment and participation. We have high expectations of each participant during the class sessions and after the training program. We ask that you make a personal commitment to become involved in your community. You will learn more about yourself and recognize talents, skills and strengths you never new you had. You will discover new traits to celebrate and appreciate in others as well. Together, you will gain more confidence and become empowered. At the conclusion of your leadership training, as a class you will participant in deciding, and executing a class project that benefits the youth of McPherson.
“Those most connected to their community value their journey as well as their destination. For all the obstacles they face, they derive satisfaction from the people they meet, the challenges they engage, the lessons they learn, and the knowledge that they’re staying true to their beliefs.” -Paul Rogat
Download the 2025 Leadership McPherson Class Enrollment Form. Enrollment is open to the first 12 to register. For more information contact the McPherson Chamber of Commerce 620-241-3303.