Chamber News & Updates

Sign up for the 2nd Annual McPherson Housing Conference to be held on Thursday, September 29th from 8:00-4:00 at the McPherson Community Building. The McPherson County Housing Conference will provide landlords, developers, builders, and the social service community with information on State and Federal grants, local...

Looking for something to do?  Check out these great everyday amenities and opportunities to enjoy an active lifestyle in McPherson County. ARCHERY Smoky Valley Shooting Sports, indoor/outdoor range, 2341 14th Ave., Lindsborg Marquette Archery Club, TechnoHunt, 105 N. Washington, Marquette BASEBALL/SOFTBALL Wall Park, 401 S. Park, McPherson Grant Sports Complex, 1800...

Cindy Shirley was born in Osborne, KS; and was raised in rural NW Kansas, Norton, and recently moved August 7th to McPherson, from Oberlin, KS where she has resided for the past 15 years. Cindy considers herself as very outgoing, driven, makes friends easily, likes to...

We are super excited to offer another benefit to our Chamber members! (If you are not a Chamber member yet, lets talk!) Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce Executives of Kansas (CCEKS) and 45 local Chambers across...

The Leadership McPherson Class of 2021 decided that sometimes changing direction is the best path forward. After following their hearts and coming to a class consensus for their class project, they created a mental health survey in hopes of better understanding the mental health needs...

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Rural Appreciation Picnic isn’t until Friday, July 22, but our Agriculture Committee has been working on plans for several months. This annual tradition to celebrate the agriculture community has been a special event for 52 years. The picnic is sponsored by...

Every year, the Kansas Small Business Development Center chooses clients from each of their service regions that exemplify small business success, and honor them with the Kansas SBDC Existing, Emerging, and Exporting (E3) Small Business Awards. Their goal is to highlight the impact the businesses...

When I grow up, I want to be like the OMEGA honorees! When I read though the inspirational stories about the amazing youth in our community who are making a difference in so many ways, it made my heart happy.  It is such a refreshing...

The Outstanding McPherson Eighth Grade Award (OMEGA) nominations are submitted by teachers, neighbors, grandparents, ministers, family friends, and youth leaders with stories about amazing youth that are kindhearted, resilient, and generous. We want to share how their positive attitudes are making a difference. Congratulations to the...

Ashley Achilles, a junior at Fort Hays State University, has been awarded the 2022 Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Scholarship for McPherson County! This scholarship is made possible by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee in partnership with Agriculture Future of America. The Agriculture...