Downtown Tour for College Students
We are excited to welcome new college students to our amazing community and connect them with local businesses. The McPherson Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Main Street have partnered with McPherson College and Central Christian College for a Downtown Tour on Saturday, August 19. Around 240 college freshmen will be checking out the downtown businesses between 11:30 am. – 3:00 pm. Because it is a busy weekend with fall open house, and each group will only have an hour, instead of a shopping tour, it will be more of a walking tour from the 300 block of N. Main to the 300 block of S. Main. We want them to become familiar with the wide variety of products and services offered here in our community and encourage them to shop locally first. This year, each group has been asked to take three group photos while downtown and tag the business in the picture, along with #McPhersonWelcomesYou
Community Businesses and Non-Profits are invited to participate in the Back-to-School Extravaganza at McPherson College to welcome students to our amazing community and show off your business or service!
The Back-to-School Extravaganza is on Monday, August 21 from 5-7 pm around the lawn at McPherson College, 1600 E. Euclid A table and chair will be provided for each business signed up. Businesses do not run any commerce, but are encouraged to decorate your table, have something interactive, and spend time visiting with students (future customers, employees, entrepreneurs, and neighbors). Register here, or contact Ashley at this email.