Investing in Our Future Ag Leaders

Investing in Our Future Ag Leaders

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee works hard to help grow future ag leaders. Since 2001, we have partnered with Agriculture Future of America to support an AFA Leader and Academic Scholarship each year.

With the generosity of individual and business donors, and the dedication of the McPherson Chamber Agriculture Committee, we have awarded 30 full academic and leader development scholarships, and 12 additional leadership conference only scholarships. The $4,450 full scholarship includes a $3,200 academic scholarship and tuition to the AFA Leaders Conference (worth $1,250).

If you know of a McPherson County student who plans to pursue an Agriculture degree, the AFA scholarship application and additional information is available at and due March 10th.

Because of the importance of agriculture to our area, we want to continue to invest in the education of students pursuing this field of study. To raise scholarship dollars, the McPherson Chamber Ag Committee organizes the Mac County Round Up 5K/1 Mile Fun Run and the annual Farm Forum. We have also established a local AFA Scholarship endowment at the McPherson County Community Foundation.

With the cancellation of our two key fund-raising events because of CDC guidelines, we are asking for your support. Please consider a contribution to the AFA Scholarship Fund for the 2021 AFA Scholarship. Donation dollars beyond the current AFA Scholarship needs, will help grow the endowment fund to ensure that we are able to fully support an agriculture scholarship each year.

Contributions can be made to MCCF at 1233 N. Main, P.O. Box 822, McPherson KS 67460 (please indicate the AFA Scholarship), or you can donate online at

We appreciate your consideration and investment, and the impact it can make on our future ag leaders.

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee: Cindy Baldwin, Brad Bengtson, Norlan Ferguson, Dennis Friesen, Troy Glidden, Grace Huxman, Angie Krehbiel, Terry Lacy, Dale Ladd, Shad Marston, Armin Nelson, Kelly Pitts, Landon Shaw, Jeff Smith, Jay Warner, Charles Williams, and Debbie Hawkinson.