News & Updates

Chamber News & Updates / 07.23.2012

The 41st Annual Rural Appreciation will be Tuesday, July 31st from 6:00-7:30 the 4-H Barn, 600 W. Woodside. Reports are that elevators have received record numbers of grain this wheat harvest, therefore this calls for an old fashion celebration! The hamburger feed is sponsored by...

Chamber News & Updates / 07.09.2012

The Leadership Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the following who will be participating in the 2012 Leadership McPherson program: Nathan Miller – City of McPherson Park Department Frances Stucky – retired educator Sandi Ide – Sunflower Bank Sara Nason – McPherson Chamber of Commerce Nancy Young – McPherson College Scott...

Chamber News & Updates / 06.19.2012

Agriculture Committee • Working on the planning for the 41st Annual Rural Appreciation Hamburger Feed, scheduled for July 31 at the 4-H grounds. • The When Pigs Fly Committee began meeting in January for the planning of the When Pigs Fly BBQ contest & Fly In scheduled...